TRIBUTARIES flowing through WA: Carnarvon
Last week, “Tributaries” received a warm reception in Carnarvon as we celebrated the first stop in the exhibition’s journey through Western Australia. I was very pleased to see many members of the community come and engage with presence.
Tributaries: Artist Talk and Workshop in Rockingham
I am really pleased that Tributaries, before heading to the regions with Art On The Move, will be showing in Rockingham. Rockingham Arts Centre has recently been renovated under the directorship of Jude Vander Merwe and is still close enough for Perth and Fremantle audiences, as well as people living in the Peel region.
TRIBUTARIES exhibition at Rockingham Arts Centre
Opens Friday 3 February 6.30pm, runs until Sunday 19 February 2023.
Opening by Dr Oron Catts, Director, Symbiotica, UWA.
Art On The Move (AOTM) has selected the TRIBUTARIES exhibition to tour around Western Australia and beyond from 2023 to 2025. AOTM plays a critical role in connecting art, people, and place. Galleries and Museums around Western Australia.
Threadlike and light
Tineke creates hidden landscapes within bodies making jewellery from inside out.
This is Tributary work
Three years in the making, and now it is here: Tributaries, an exhibition of works that connect with Western Australia. Before and during the pandemic I have explored the landscapes within and out there, the unique flora and fauna in Western Australia.
We are waterways. TRIBUTARIES exhibition opens soon
I walk, sense, trace the changes.
I once followed a river and with each crossing of one of its tributaries, the landscape grew as a character teaching me about my internal landscape, and how to navigate human relationships.
It changed me.